Thursday, June 10, 2010

Political idiocy?

OK, i'm not going to go into my boring workout from yesterday or elaborate more on Mondays workout, todays topic is Political Idiocy....

From the spiegel online interview of Daniel Ellsberg.

"SPIEGEL ONLINE: Mr. Ellsberg, you're a hero and an icon of the left. But we hear you're not too happy with President Obama anymore.

Daniel Ellsberg: I voted for him and I will probably vote for him again, as opposed to the Republicans. But I believe his administration in some key aspects is nothing other than the third term of the Bush administration. "

maybe i'm wrong in my thinking but, if you are not happy with the performance of your choice for the president, why would you even consider voting for him again for a second term just because he's affiliated to your party? That is some poor decision making if you ask me.

Ok, that one quote aside, here is another quote of him saying how Obama is doing worse then Bush, but he'll still vote for Obama...

"Ellsberg: For Obama to indict and prosecute Drake now, for acts undertaken and investigated during the Bush administration, is to do precisely what Obama said he did not mean to do -- "look backward." Of all the blatantly criminal acts committed under Bush, warrantless wiretapping by the NSA, aggression, torture, Obama now prosecutes only the revelation of massive waste by the NSA, a socially useful act which the Bush administration itself investigated but did not choose to indict or prosecute!

Bush brought no indictments against whistleblowers, though he suspended Drake's clearance. Obama, in this and other matters relating to secrecy and whistleblowing, is doing worse than Bush. His violation of civil liberties and the White House's excessive use of the executive secrecy privilege is inexcusable"

The entire article can be found here

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Another Monday is Done

Yesterdays workout was short but good, a few new movements that I hadn't performed yet which I could tell did a decent job.

Nothing much else to report about for now other then the workout yesterday, so without further delay here it is.

20 KB swings
14 Dips
20 snatches
... more to come when I get home later