Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Tattoo Tuesday

Today is the day Renee goes back to the tattoo shop to hopefully get her coverup tattoo finished! She'll be heading there straight from work this evening and I may or may not meet her there to see how it's going. Either way I'll post some pictures of the finished product either tonight or tomorrow for anyone interested in seeing how it has turned out.

See this earlier post for the first session of work. http://whatsallthisreally.blogspot.com/2010/06/tattoo-envy-jealousy.html

***Updated with Pictures***

not quite done yet but here are some updated pictures of some more shading and coloring after a couple hours or work tonight...

Monday, July 5, 2010

more workout junk...

Today's workout went pretty well, 30 minutes and a multitude of different upper body focused exercizes...

Kettlebell swings
KB Snatch and presses
wide pushups
swiss ball KB flys
wide grip let downs
swiss ball KB pullovers
KB Rows, with a drop set of rows
more dips
front shoulder raises
swiss ball push ups, feet on the ball
elastic band curls
elastic band tricep extensions.
KB curls