Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Random thoughts

Since my viewer ship (ha, like people actually read this shit) is pretty much non existent except for maybe a few people that may check in from time to time only to be bored with the topics i've written about. probably because most people aren't interested in dieting or workout details or my boring life, and are happy to run through there lives at their current pace, of work, eat, sleep with an occasional get away or vacation to enjoy their so called lives.

It's my estimation that probably around 80% of people working today work and cannot stand what they do for a living... sounds silly right? but i'm sure you've heard the quote that as something to do with if you enjoy what you do you never work a day in your life. yeah that sounds pretty simple but entirely out of the grasp of most people from a practical perspective. We have kids we need to support them, feed them, bring them up "right" get them the things they need to succeed so they don't fall into the same traps that we have as adults. We don't want them to make the same mistakes that we have throughout our lives.

So as I continue to ramble, what the fuck does one do to make their lives a happy overall experience? enjoy day to day life and not view everything they do was work, or a chore.

I've heard some people enjoy flying a kite or bowling or many other things that are lifes little distractions from that is otherwise a slave life we lead spending the majority of our waking ours doing something that others want you to do. Code this, write this, call them, attend this meeting... Fuck all of that, this shit can just get under my skin....

ok, I'm done with my cranky rant.

I lied.

I want to work out to get into better shape, however I think about what might be the perfect lifestyle which we were all suited for in the beginning. Gardening, foraging, hunting... our basic needs, food, shelter, water. if we focused on small scaled cooperative community functions of gardening, foraging, raising livestock / hunting we would be much better off, no TV's no sitting on the couch to check the latest episode of lost or whatever suits our obese nation at the time.

does any of this mean anything in particular? Nope just random rants about shit that has popped into my head.

I do have plans in my head how to accomplish community based living in a self sufficient manner that isn't destructive to the planet, from gardens, permaculture, livestock, as well as money making to pay our government their taxes to pay for community / public schools... but I'm not going to get into that at this point...

my brain is full, of insane ideas, some feasible, some off the wall. publishing all of the thoughts that go through my head would end me up in an insane asylum...