Saturday, July 3, 2010

Saturday morning sprints

Daniel and I will be leaving shortly to head for the lakeside Junior High track to do some sprinting today.
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I'll try to get some pictures while were there to post them in this post later.

It's now later, and we did an hour of good cardio / sprints... Here is the breakdown of everything we did today, unless it's noted everything done was sprinting and walking back to the starting line with no break other then walking back unless noted.

800 meter (1/2 mile) warmup jog
20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100
20, 40, 60, 80, 100

1-2 minute break
50 meter single leg bounds, walk to the 200 meter starting line
400 mix jog, jog backwards, crossovers, and lunge steps for about 20 meters
1-2 minute break
20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20

The total workout was an hour long 10:17 till 11:17 on the dot...

now I need to eat something...

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Day 2 Tuna, and a good cardio workout

I am so sick of Tuna, and most of what you read really say it's not a bright fad diet to do, but I needed something to kick-start bringing my calories down. After a couple days of tuna only at around 900 calories two straight days in a row bringing some other veggies and lean meats into the diet is going to feel like a feast. Based on the Harris Benedict formula to calculate my BMR (Base Metabolic Rate) and a sedentary lifestyle (no workouts) I should be eating about 1700 calories. Now if I take into account i'll be working out 5, maybe 6 days this week I should probably be eating about 2500 - 2700 calories to maintain my current weight.

Based on the fact that i'm trying to lose some extra fat, I believe that this little kick start will help me enjoy dieting at somewhere between 1700 - 2000 calories a day to really make some good gains.

I know there are alot of people that will tell me i'm going to loose muscle mass dieting this much but I'm not really concerned with that at the moment.

--Today's workout--
Did 15 minutes on the elliptical this morning mostly just a interval training session i felt decent in the morning, come evening workout I was starving and I still am right now...

400 meter warm up 1-2 minute break
100 meter sprint "
100 meter sprint "
50 meter sprint "
100 meter sprint "
20 meter sprint "
20 meter sprint "
20 meter sprint "

100 meter sprint no break
jog back 100 no break
100 meter sprint no break
jog back 100 1 minute break

cool down for 400...
400 meter cool down / stretch / jog backwards, jog forwards, 100 meter tip tow walking for the calves.

all in all it was a good workout.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Tuna, Day 1 complete

Tuna Day 1 is done, in the books and complete! Here is a picture of the variety for the next few days, also my last two "meals" included tapatio hot sauce, (zero calories), and hot chili sauce to spice it up some :)

How exciting!

I had a good workout today with Daniel again also, yesterdays workout was an upper body focused kettlebell workout with Daniel, his buddy, and my neighbor. Today's workout was lower body focused including squats, single leg romanian deadlifts, tactical lunges, abdominal leg raises, lying leg pushdowns, stair work, and plenty more leg raises. Overall it was a good day!

I'm already wishing I could have something other then tuna but I just need to keep reminding myself that i'm a third completed already.

Tuna and Water Diet

For the next 3 days I'll be eating about 1 - 1.5 grams of tuna per pound of lean body weight, a fiber supplement, some daily vitamins, and lots of water.

Based on that I will be eating somewhere between 140 - 210 grams protein a day for the next 3 days. So the breakdown will be five or six 5oz cans of tuna, that will put me roughly in the 160 - 195 Grams protein for each day and a total calorie count of about 150 calories per can I will be consuming about 750-900 Calories per day.

The only thing i'll add to my tuna for the next 3 days, if anything at all will be lemon juice, balsamic vinegrette, hot sauce, or maybe some salsa.

I did have a Banana this morning sort of a treat to start this off. so that's about 27 grams of carbohydrates and 108 calories which should bring my total calorie consumption today to right around a 1000 calories.

meal times today, (not including the banana I already ate) will be around the times listed below.

9:00 ? not sure if I'll be eating that late or not yet, i know I'll be starving at this point in the evening based on the fact that this is going to be a bit of a shock to the system so I'm leaving it open as an option for now.