For the next 3 days I'll be eating about 1 - 1.5 grams of tuna per pound of lean body weight, a fiber supplement, some daily vitamins, and lots of water.
Based on that I will be eating somewhere between 140 - 210 grams protein a day for the next 3 days. So the breakdown will be five or six 5oz cans of tuna, that will put me roughly in the 160 - 195 Grams protein for each day and a total calorie count of about 150 calories per can I will be consuming about 750-900 Calories per day.
The only thing i'll add to my tuna for the next 3 days, if anything at all will be lemon juice, balsamic vinegrette, hot sauce, or maybe some salsa.
I did have a Banana this morning sort of a treat to start this off. so that's about 27 grams of carbohydrates and 108 calories which should bring my total calorie consumption today to right around a 1000 calories.
meal times today, (not including the banana I already ate) will be around the times listed below.
9:00 ? not sure if I'll be eating that late or not yet, i know I'll be starving at this point in the evening based on the fact that this is going to be a bit of a shock to the system so I'm leaving it open as an option for now.
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