Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Random Thoughts and BS.

December, Holiday season, and yet another year cruises through to its end. Wow so I've had tons of stuff on my mind lately. Looking into eco-villages and sustainable living, gardening and the like lately. Mostly due to my ever growing despise of having to drive to an office to earn money to pay for bills, mortgage, utilities, etc... There is no 'free' land any longer like in the settling days of the US. I doubt there exists land not owned by some entity in the world today.

Today's "civilized" world, and civilized is quoted because this is purely subjective, is bound to their governments by consumption of crap that the media and the Johnson's say we need. commercialism has taken over living and raising families. Somehow we've gotten to this place where we "need" the newest I PAD, or Droid touchscreen phone, X box or whatever the newest and coolest item of the year is.

Is there a medium area between industrialized life, commercialism and living more in harmony with the planet? I don't know, but honestly i'm currently not doing anything to find out at this point in time. I could spurt out various reasons, also known as excuses but the bottom line is that I know there are small things I could be doing to reduce my individual footprint.

start my own gardens.
harvest rain water for irrigation.
compost and recycle unused food waste.
build and install some sort of wind power generator
build and install some sort of solar power source.
harvest seeds from the vegetables that are grown from the garden.

etc, more to come late, or not...