Friday, May 28, 2010

Day 5, The Beginning

So, I'm finally starting to get some rest, I feel good this morning but the fact that it's Friday might have something to do with it.

Tonight I need to pick up some groceries this evening, most likely after my workout when I get home from work. No more buying crappy Junk food like chips that call my name late in the evening, it's so hard to resist the call of the chips in the evening when I can't sleep.

Tomorrows Plan is to go buy some plants for the front garden beds, maybe even tonight if we have time.

Time to wrap this up to head off to work for the last day this week, woohoo!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Still Sweating, and again I HATE Cardio only workouts

Biked an all road route today 6.81 miles in 32:39 which is about a mile every 4.7 minutes or so... In any case, I really hate just doing cardio for a workout. you can super set resistance training and for some reason it the cardio doesn't bother me as much. Below is a map of the route I took on today's workout, not sure I'll ever do this one again at this point. I'm thinking I might just stick with super setting kettlebell / body resistance exercises everyday instead of doing a cardio only day.

All in all I got a longer workout then on Tuesday, the pace was close the same as my first ride so that was a plus. I'm soo looking forward to this weekend after my first week of getting back into exercising again.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Workout Day 3.

Today's workout was pretty good for my second workout, yesterdays cardio day not counting as a "workout"...

So, my legs are still dying from Workout number 1 on Monday as well as the bike ride yesterday, I've changed up my workout today to focus more on upper body and give my quads / thighs a bit of a break. Below is the workout I did after work, keep in mind this is only my second workout in almost 5 years like I said before, though I did make some more progress today with a harder workout then on Monday.

20 KB swings, (10 each arm 35 lb KB).
10 Dips
20 Sit-ups holding the 35 lb KB
4 close grip pullups, ( one more then Monday, still weak!)
20 shoulder presses, (10 each arm 35 lb KB)
20 snatches, (10 each arm 35 lb KB)
5 wide grip let downs
6:27 minutes into the workout at this point, about a 45 second break here.
20 KB swings, (10 each arm 35 lb KB).
8 Dips
15 Sit-ups holding the 35 lb KB
3 close grip pullups, ( had to kick up on the third)
40 shoulder presses, (40 each arm 20 lb KB)
16 snatches, (8 each arm 35 lb KB)
14:16 minutes into the workout at this point, about a 20 second break here.
10 pushups
20 second wide grip hanging shoulder shrugs / lat pulls
45 seconds lying butterflies
12 standing tricep extensions, (6 each arm 20 lb KB)
12 standing bicep curls extended KB, (6 each arm 20 lb KB)

18 minutes 52 seconds for the total workout.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I hate cardio!

so, today was a cardio day for me and I recall now why I hate cardio so much!

I decided to go for a bike ride, planned a 4 mile route through the neighborhood streets and on to a gravel pathway for a bit, and then back on to some side roads to return home. I used to create the route I was going to follow, it's a great resource for running / biking as you can plot out course following roads or going across terrain that is not on a road. It calculates distances as you select your route and allows you undo sections of your route as you create it. Here is a link to the actual route I took on the bike ride

So I thought I was set on a good route and hopped on the mountain bike I haven't so much as taken for a 1/2 mile spin in years let alone what I was about to do. I know 4 miles doesn't sound like much, but being out of shape and in horrible cardio shape that was about all I was going to go for today, figuring I could do it in less then 20 minutes by pushing the pace a good beat.

about a half mile into my ride I realized that I should have probably checked the tire pressure as they were a bit squishy, so I just kept on going figuring it would make the workout better having to put more effort into the ride than I originally planed. so I'm about to reach the point where I had planned on turning off of the gravel path back on to the road only to find that the turn was completely under construction and I couldn't make the turn. So I knew that continuing on I would follow a loop through the park and return back to get back to the loop of the gravel path and back on to the street.

This ended up in adding more than another mile from my originally planned route, I didn't mind so much as I felt pretty good about making the ride a bit longer anyways.

I pushed hard through the end of the ride and ended up riding for 5.33 miles in about 23 minutes. Not quite sure how to gauge it since it was my first ride, so I figure I'll just continue the same route for a few more rides and focus on beating the time from my first ride and go from there.

I'll be feeling this in my thighs tomorrow for sure!

Day 1 workout yesterday.

the soreness creeps in throughout the day as I've pondered my laziness over the past several years. I won't sit hear and pretend to make excuses as to why I haven't made the effort to stay into shape over these years.

So yesterdays workout went something like this. I used a 35 lb kettlebell for all of the KB exersizes, I completed 2 exercises before taking a breather, and my longest breather was 60 seconds. The circuit took me 18.5 minutes total to complete and I was absolutely DYING.

20 Single arm KB swings, (each arm)
10 dips
5 Turkish Getups
3 close grip pullups
20 squats
20 Snatches
3 wide grip letdowns

20 Single arm KB swings, (each arm)
8 dips
2 Turkish Getups
2 close grip pullups
20 squats
16 snatches

Ate Dinner after the workout.

Played various basketball games with my son.
1 Game of quick paced PIG
1 one on one game to 5, (which he killed me in!)
timed shots from 6 different places on the clock, I lost.
timed free throws, had to make 10 whoever was quicker one... I LOST AGAIN!

overall it was about a half hour of decent cardio.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Good bye bad habits, Hello new me?

So I've been promising myself to get back into shape for a while now, i've watched my wife lose 25+ pounds over the past 3 months and she looks great! Meanwhile I have done pretty much nothing in the way of eating right and exercising.

So today begins my renewed journey back into eating healthier and exercising daily. I will regret my past laziness much in the coming days as I'm sore from working out.

As a reminder Here are the 12 keys to a healthy diet.

RULE # 1 — Be tough. Stay away from nasty fats, excessive salt and simple sugars. This eliminates ninety-nine percent of the fast foods, munchies and soft drinks. Who needs them? In a few short weeks, you won't want them, wonder why you ate them and feel sick if you do! I don't mean to be rude, but … junk is for dumpsters.

RULE # 2 — Eat a basic breakfast of complex carbohydrates, protein and fat to establish your metabolism for the day and provide fuel and muscle-sustaining ingredients. In a nutshell (and setting aside for now the hormonal and enzyme chemistry taking place at all times), protein builds muscle while carbohydrates and fats supply fuel for energy. Breakfast can be an easy-to-prepare meal from a quality protein shake to a bowl of oatmeal, scoop of cottage cheese and fruit. If you don't feed yourself a wholesome meal in the morning, your body will draw on your muscle stores as a source of energy, putting you in a slump and muscle deficit. Major insurance policy: Add a good vitamin and mineral formula and a gulp of flaxseed oil (essential fatty acid) each morning to protect your system and put order and efficiency in your body chemistry.

RULE # 3 — This one can be the rascal — with whatever effort it takes, feed yourself every three to four hours throughout the day; again, each meal consisting of protein, fat and carbohydrate. Any combination of the following is perfect: tuna and brown rice, hamburger patty and red potato, cottage cheese and fruit, chicken and salad, etc. You'll notice that sandwiches are not in my top-five list. Discover Tupperware and packet-size meal replacement powders.

RULE # 4 — Newsflash: To gain weight, eat more. Assuming you're hitting the weights, be prepared for solid bulk weight; lean muscle mass exclusively is a daydream. To lose weight, eat less, still as often. Don't starve the muscle.

RULE # 5 — I have always instinctively leaned toward a higher protein intake over carbohydrate to build a lean body. Emphasize protein. Vegetarians, take particular care in order to get plenty of protein in your diet.

RULE # 6 - Between-meal snacking for the trainee looking to gain weight is okay if the snack is truly nutritious - no junk. Don't let snacks be a substitute for a complete meal or become a weak habit. You, who are seeking weight loss, consider snacking counter-productive. Good snacks are fruits or vegetables, jerky, protein energy bars, yogurt, cottage cheese and light protein drinks.

RULE # 7 - Simple carbohydrates (sugar, honey, soft drinks, candy and cakes) provide us with a quick pick-up but let us down just as quickly. Excessive sugar plays havoc with our insulin metabolism and leads to fatigue, poor performance, fat storage and diabetes.

RULE # 8 - Fuel up before your workout. Eat a small, easily digested meal about an hour before you train. With protein and complex carbohydrates in your system, you'll train harder, longer and with more enthusiasm. You won't experience low blood sugar jitters or dizziness; you'll get a great pump and probably hit that last rep. Big Tip — whey protein drinks work great here and work well as post-workout muscle repair food. Convenient, inexpensive and effective.

RULE # 9 — Similarly, you need to eat a hearty protein meal with sufficient carbs within forty-five minutes of the completion of your workout. This is necessary to provide the muscle-building materials to repair depleted tissue and support the process of building new muscle.

RULE #10 — The most important ingredient in your body is plain water. The quality of your tissues, their performance and their resistance to failure is absolutely dependent on the quality and quantity of the water you drink. Detoxify. Flood yourself throughout the day, especially during exercise.

RULE #11 — Sleep, rest and relaxation are of prime importance. It's during periods of sound sleep that our bodies recuperate and build muscle tissue.

RULE #12 — Regard the twelve rules listed as a regular life-long, life-rewarding priority, one that hones discipline and is honed by that same discipline. Next time we meet, I'll introduce you to the commercial gym and what you can expect there. Remember, also, that laughter builds strong bodies and healthy minds. It restores the soul.