Thursday, July 15, 2010

Workout Week Summary

This week has been a pretty good week of working out so far. Here is a brief recap of the week as of Thursday Morning.

Monday: Chest and Tricep workout;
Dips super-set with Kettlebell snatches
pushups super-set with KB pullovers on a swiss ball
tricep extensions
feet raised pushups

Tuesday: Cardio day;
2 mile interval run, it was super hot and not the best day to run outside at 5 pm but we drank plenty of water before and after the run.

Wednesday: Leg day;
double KB squats super-set with manual resistance leg curls.
KB lunges super-set with calf raises
Short Sprints, hops, single leg bounds.

Thursday: Today is a cardio day and it is suppose to be pretty hot outside so we may just hit the elliptical machine we have and do some ab work as well.

Friday: tomorrow will be back / bicep day, not decided if we will include shoulders or do them separately on Saturday yet....

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