Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Perceived truth

A young man that has just started his family has a small farm with one horse. One day the horse runs away and the man sadly cries, God why did you take my horse from me, I need him to help plow the fields, and to get to town. The Next day the man’s Horse comes back with another Horse and the man happily cheers to God, thank you lord for providing me with another horse. On the third day while the man tries to break the wild horse he is thrown from it and breaks his leg, and again the man cries out, God why do you hate me so to let this happen to me? the next day a great war has begun and all the young men are called to duty, except the injured, old, and sick…

The man sees his horse as leaving as bad, but then something good comes from it.

The man sees the the new horse as being good, then his mind / or his perception of what is true changes when he breaks his leg, and once again his truth changes when they come needing young healthy men for war.

The point of this is that the events that are perceived as good and bad or truly neither, or both depending on how and when you precieve them.

When the horse is gone it seems bad, when it returns with another horse it seems good, etc…

the truth of a situation, experience or action can never be truly known...

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