Monday, August 22, 2011

Questions and thoughts today.

Observe good faith and justice towards all nations. Cultivate peace and harmony with all. "George W."

this is a quote from a past leader of the united states. think about this for a minute, pause and close your eyes. Imagine how we americans would be viewed if our foriegn policy matched what this statement says. you reap what you sew, therefore if you cultivate peace and harmony you shall reap it.

Fear is what is our driver today, not only in our foreign policies, but in the average americans lives. People fear their employers, fear their neighbors.

Mistake "An action or judgment that is misguided or wrong"

people who do not learn from their mistakes are doomed to repeat them. Is the war on terror a mistake, did we take action that was misguided or wrong? these are big, huge, even monstrous questions, when people live in fear, their thoughts and decisions are based on the fear they live in. The attack on September 11, 2001 was but a tiny blip in the sense of catastrophe seen around the world, whether natural or man made.

the country I live in today is full of Pride and ego, we believe we are RIGHT, we know what is best for others, so we want to 'help' others to live better, like we do. \

What can you control?
what can we control?
who are 'we'?

some say that the Questions that get asked of you in AA are not to be answered, but rather they are to be experienced. hmm. Can you stop an think, rather then answer a question?

miracle vs accomplishment
miracle is by the hand of God
accomplishment is something you achieved by work.

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