Saturday, March 28, 2009

Earth Hour 2009

Today is earth hour, so why is it such a big deal to try and coordinate one hour of time for everyone to shut their lights off? Why not do "earth hour" once a week? maybe its to much of an inconvenience for everyone to be without all of the conveniences they desire. right now my house has about a 1/2 dozen candles lit and the only electricity being pulled from the grid is from appliances that have clocks or otherwise lit LED lights, and of course the refrigerators . My laptop is currently running on battery power and when I'm done with this post it will be shut down for the remainder of the evening.

So as much as I might want to turn the boob tube on, or be your everyday average american and lazily watch nothing of importance, i'm going to go join my family playing some sharades in the dark...

take care,

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