Monday, March 16, 2009

A little bit of excitement today!

So its spring break, the kids are off and I'm running home at noon to make sure that Cora gets the correct amount of insulin for her lunch meal. She has type I diabetes and has to have a shot with every meal as well as at bed time. So today, the first day of spring break I come home at lunch time to make sure she gets the correct amount of insulin with lunch I tell her and her brother Danial that they should go enjoy the great weather were having.

Less than an hour after lunch I hear a knock at the door and a frantic child saying hurry! I get to the door and a neighbor child saying Cora fell and is hurt! I ran out to the culdesac and see her sitting up and telling me that she fell on her healey's onto her butt. I ask her to lay down and begin to question her about the fall. She is doing ok, breathing a bit shallow but overall ok. There is a complaint about her back, but seeing that she was sitting up when I got to her I think it must be minor. Finally I ask her if she can sit back up if it doesn't hurt to bad and she does, which doesn't suprise me. We go back to the house and I have her relax for a bit but the complaints about her back don't stop. So, no bruising or any signs of anything horrible I bring her to the urgent care center.

After a bit of a wait we get to see the nurse and then the doctor, the doctory orders X-rays and we are eventually relieved to find that she has a sprained / strained back. we get muscle relaxers and I pick up some pain medacation for her and we go back home.

the muscle relaxers obviously have an impact on how she feels as well as how she is acting. regardless to say, I 'm very happy that all of it turned out to be fairly minor!

so there you have it, another fun day at our house!

next time,

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