Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Long Memorial Day weekend and Wednesdays workout

I took Monday off due to memorial day as well as two days of hot digging garden work on Sunday / Monday. Call me lazy but getting back into this is not easy...

Before I get into the workout portion of this post I'll share a couple photos of the flower beds that we rejuvenated. Thankfully everyone in the family helped out with all the weed pulling, planting, and tilling in some fashion or another.

In this first picture you can see Daniel and his buddy Garret working on hand tilling up one of the other flower beds, and getting ready to rid it of all the existing weeds.

Another angle

We have two more flower beds that I didn't take phone pictures of up against the house that were also done.

So on to what I did for today's workout.

20 KB swings, (10 each arm)
12 Dips
20 Snatches, (10 each arm)
10 pushups
20 KB bent over rows, (10 each arm)

4 Minutes and 6 Seconds total time

20 KB swings, (10 each arm)
10 Dips
20 Snatches, (10 each arm)
10 pushups
20 KB bent over rows, (10 each arm)

60 second break
8 Minutes 41 Seconds, 4:35 for the second set

20 KB swings, (10 each arm)
06 Dips
20 Snatches, (10 each arm)
10 pushups
20 KB bent over rows, (10 each arm)

Toasted, 14:13 Total time, the last set took me 5 minutes 32 seconds.

Overall my lower right back and right shoulder are not too happy with me at the moment. I think they are a combination of the garden work I did, and maybe not sleeping in a good position last night. In any case next time I do this workout I'm going to probably add another set of the same exercises, or add an extra exercise or two to each set, I haven't decided yet.

As you can see I don't really have a structured plan at this point, the reason for that is I'm just trying to get back into this and make it a habit again. I figure after a couple more weeks I'll start to put some more structure into my workouts so it's easier to track my overall progress.

As far as quantifiable / measureable progress I'm weighing in and taking body measurements every two weeks right now, maybe every week? This past holiday weekend and flowerbed work that were done I forgot it was Monday and didn't weigh in or take measurements.

see you in a day or two with more updates.

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